Source code for rankade.Rankade

from typing import MutableSequence, Optional, Union

import aiohttp

import rankade.models as models
from rankade.api import Api, Endpoint
from rankade.api.Api import PARAMS

[docs] class Rankade(object): """Main wrapper around the Rankade Api. Use this class along with it's methods to access the Api.""" def __init__( self, key_or_token: str, secret: Optional[str] = None, base_url: Optional[str] = None, session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, ): self._api = Api(key_or_token, secret, base_url=base_url, session=session) """ Games """
[docs] async def get_games(self) -> models.Games: """Returns the list of the group's games (i.e. games with at least one match played within the group).""" async with self._api as api: games_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.GAMES) return models.Games.from_dict(data_dict=games_response)
# If ever gets implimented on server this should be uncommented. # async with self._api as api: # games_attributes = await self._api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.POPULAR) # return models.Games.from_dict(data_dict=games_attributes)
[docs] async def new_game_with_bggId(self, bggId: int) -> models.Game: params: PARAMS = {"bggId": bggId} return await self._new_game_with(params=params)
[docs] async def new_game_with_name(self, name: str) -> models.Game: params: PARAMS = {"name": name} return await self._new_game_with(params=params)
[docs] async def _new_game_with(self, params: PARAMS) -> models.Game: async with self._api as api: result = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.GAME, params=params) games = models.Games.from_dict(data_dict=result) return games[0]
""" Matches ------- """
[docs] async def save_match(self, match: models.NewMatch, dry_run: bool = False) -> models.NewMatchResponse: """ To save a match pass in the following parameters: :params models.NewMatch match: Completed new match model. :params bool dry_run: For testing, allows for debugging without actually saving the match or using any of the groups Quota. """ params: dict[str, Union[str, int]] = {} if dry_run: params = {"dryrun": "true"} async with self._api as api: result = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.MATCH, json=match.as_dict(), params=params) return models.NewMatchResponse(**result)
[docs] async def get_match_status(self) -> models.MatchStatus: """Get the status of matches posted by the API.""" async with self._api as api: status_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.MATCH_STATUS) return models.MatchStatus(**status_response)
[docs] async def get_all_matches(self) -> models.Matches: """Get all Matches from the group.""" async with self._api as api: matches_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.MATCHES) return models.Matches.from_dict(data_dict=matches_response)
[docs] async def get_match_with_id(self, id: str) -> Optional[models.Match]: """ Get a match from the group with an Id matching the parameter. :param str id: Match Id to find. """ matches = await self.get_all_matches() match = [m for m in matches if == id] return match[0] if match else None
[docs] async def get_matches_with_players(self, player_ids: MutableSequence[str]) -> Optional[models.Matches]: """ Get Matches player by players matching Id's matching the parameter. :param: MutableSequence[str] player_ids: Id's of players to find matches they've player. """ all_matches = await self.get_all_matches() filtered_matches = [m for m in all_matches if any(id in m.player_ids for id in player_ids)] return models.Matches(data=filtered_matches, totalMatches=len(filtered_matches))
[docs] async def get_match_number(self, number: int) -> Optional[models.Match]: """ Get match by number matching parameter. :param int number: Match number to find. """ matches = await self.get_all_matches() match = [m for m in matches if m.number == number] return match[0] if match else None
""" Players """
[docs] async def get_all_players(self) -> models.Players: """Get a list of all the players in the group.""" async with self._api as api: players_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.PLAYERS) return models.Players.from_dict(data_dict=players_response)
[docs] async def new_ghost_player(self, name: str) -> models.Player: """ Make a new ghost player to add to the group. There is a limit on Ghost users see [Quotas and Limits]( """ assert isinstance(name, str) async with self._api as api: params: PARAMS = {"name": name} ghost_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.PLAYER, params=params) return models.Players.from_dict(data_dict=ghost_response)[0]
""" Quota """
[docs] async def get_quota(self) -> models.Quota: """Returns current quota usage percentage""" async with self._api as api: quota_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.QUOTA) return models.Quota(**quota_response)
""" Rankings """
[docs] async def get_rankings( self, subset_id: Optional[str] = None, match_number: Optional[int] = None ) -> models.Rankings: """Retrieve group's ranking for selected subset after the selected match number. :param subset_id: Id of the subset to be used. :param match_number: Retrieve subset results starting at match number provided. """ assert isinstance(subset_id, (str, type(None))) assert isinstance(match_number, (int, type(None))) async with self._api as api: ranking_response = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.RANKINGS, subset=subset_id, match=match_number) return models.Rankings.from_dict(data_dict=ranking_response)
""" Subsets """
[docs] async def get_subset_with_id(self, id: str) -> Optional[models.Subset]: """Return a specific subset using it's Id.""" subsets = await self.get_subsets() subset = [s for s in subsets if == id] return subset[0] if subset else None
[docs] async def get_subsets(self) -> models.Subsets: """Return a list of all of a groups subsets.""" async with self._api as api: subsets_attributes = await api.request(endpoint=Endpoint.SUBSET) return models.Subsets.from_dict(data_dict=subsets_attributes)