Source code for rankade.api.Endpoint

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, MutableMapping, Optional, Union

from enum_tools.documentation import document_enum

    from .Api import HEADERS, JSON, PARAMS

[docs] class Endpoint_Method(Enum): """HTTP Request methods [RFC2616 Section 5.1.1](""" GET = "GET" POST = "POST" PUT = "PUT" PATCH = "PATCH" DELETE = "DELETE" HEAD = "HEAD" OPTIONS = "OPTIONS" TRACE = "TRACE" CONNECT = "CONNECT"
[docs] @dataclass class Endpoint_Mixin: """Stores the basic information needed for each endpoint.""" auth: bool """Does the request need authorisation before proceeding.""" paginated: bool """Will the response be paginated.""" method: Endpoint_Method """HTTP Method used in the request.""" base_path: str """URL path to use in request."""
[docs] @document_enum class Endpoint(Endpoint_Mixin, Enum): """ Enum with information needed for each request. auth, paginated, method, base_path """ AUTH = False, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "auth" """ Authorisation returns JWT. [GET /auth]( """ GAME = True, False, Endpoint_Method.POST, "games/game" """ Creates a new game by giving its bggId (BoardGameGeek game id) or a game name. [POST /games/game]( """ GAMES = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "games" """ Returns the list of the group's games (i.e. games with at least one match played within the group). [GET /games]( """ GAMES_POPULAR = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "games/popular" """ Returns the list of rankade's most popular games. [GET /games/popular]( """ GAMES_SEARCH = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "games/search" """ Searches games by name. [GET /games/search]( """ MATCH = True, False, Endpoint_Method.POST, "matches/match" """ Adds one or more matches to the group. [POST /matches/match]( """ MATCH_EXISTS = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "matches/match/exists" """ Check if an accepted match exists by giving its external identifier. [GET /matches/match/exists]( """ MATCH_STATUS = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "matches/status" """ Retrieves API-recorded matches status. [GET /matches/status]( """ MATCHES = True, True, Endpoint_Method.GET, "matches{subset}{page}" """ Retrieve registered and processed matches. [GET /matches]( """ PLAYER = True, False, Endpoint_Method.POST, "players/player" """ Create a ghost player within the group.[POST /players/player]( """ PLAYERS = True, True, Endpoint_Method.GET, "players{page}" """ Returns the list of the group's players. [GET /player]( """ QUOTA = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "quota" """ Returns quota usage details in percentage for the current client. [GET /quota] ( """ RANKINGS = True, True, Endpoint_Method.GET, "rankings{subset}{match}{page}" """ Get a groups rankings, filter by subset, beginning with match number. [GET /rankings]( """ STATUS = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "status" """ Returns the status of the service. [GET /status]( """ SUBSET = True, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "subset" """ Returns a list of the groups subsets. [GET /subsets]( """ _TEST = False, False, Endpoint_Method.GET, "test" """ Endpoint used for unit tests. """
[docs] @dataclass class Endpoint_Request: """Full information needed for Api.request to make a request.""" endpoint: Endpoint """Basic information for Endpoint""" params: PARAMS = field(default=None) """Additional Parameters to be used in request""" headers: HEADERS = field(default=None) """Additional Headers to be used in the request""" json: JSON = field(default=None) """JSON to be sent as part of the request""" page: Optional[int] = field(init=False, default=None) """Page number to be requested""" match: Optional[int] = field(default=None) """Match number to be requested""" subset: Optional[str] = field(default=None) """Subset Id to be requested"""
[docs] def __post_init__(self): if self.endpoint.paginated: = 1
@property def path(self) -> str: """Builds the URL path to use, from the base path included in the Endpoint with {page}, {match}, & {subset} replaced with the appropriate value""" page_str = "" subset_str = "" if is not None: page_str = "/" + str( if self.match is None: match_str = "/last" else: match_str = "/" + str(self.match) if self.subset is not None: subset_str = "/" + self.subset return self.endpoint.base_path.format(subset=subset_str, match=match_str, page=page_str) @property def method(self) -> str: """Returns the required HTTP method to be used for the endpoint.""" return self.endpoint.method.value @property def requires_auth(self) -> bool: """Does the endpoint require authorisation before making the request.""" return self.endpoint.auth @property def is_paginated(self) -> bool: """Will the request return a paginated response.""" return self.endpoint.paginated
[docs] def add_parameter(self, name: str, value: str) -> MutableMapping[str, Union[str, int]]: """Convenience method to add a custom parameter.""" if self.params is None: self.params = {} self.params[name] = value return self.params
[docs] def add_header(self, name: str, value: str) -> MutableMapping[str, str]: """Convenience method to add a custom header.""" if self.headers is None: self.headers = {} self.headers[name] = value return self.headers
[docs] def set_json(self, json: JSON) -> JSON: """Convenience method to set the JSON body of the request.""" if self.json is None: self.json = {} self.json = json return self.json