Source code for rankade.models.Base

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC
from collections import UserList
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import (

T = TypeVar("T", bound="RankadeObject")

[docs] @dataclass(slots=True) class RankadeObject(ABC): # noqa: B024 """ Base class for all objects returned from the server. All models should inherit from this class. """ pass
[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True) class ResultList(UserList[T], RankadeObject): """ Base class for lists of items from server. :param List[rankade.models.Base.T] data: List of RankadeObjects returned by the sever. """ _content_class: ClassVar[Type[RankadeObject]] """Classvar to be overridden on each subclass to allow the an object in the list to be created from a dict returned from the server.""" data: List[T] """List of RankadeObjects returned by the sever."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data_dict: Union[MutableMapping[str, Any], MutableSequence[MutableMapping[str, Any]]]): """ Create a ResultList instance from a dict. """ content_class = cls._content_class if isinstance(data_dict, MutableSequence): data_dict = {"data": data_dict} data = [content_class(**item) for item in data_dict.get("data", [])] # make a copy here as it was modifying the original and screwing up tests! copyof_data_dict = deepcopy(data_dict) del copyof_data_dict["data"] return cls(**copyof_data_dict, data=data)
[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True) class Page(ResultList[T]): """ Base class for page of items from server . :param List[rankade.models.Base.T] data: List RankadeObject objects. :param int page: Current page number. :param int totalPages: Total Pages. :param int rowsForPage: Max number of items on page. """ page: int = field(default=1) """Page number""" totalPages: int = field(default=1) """Total pages""" rowsForPage: Optional[int] = None """How many items the server will return on each page."""