Source code for rankade.models.Error

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import ClassVar, Type

from .Base import RankadeObject, ResultList

[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True) class Error(RankadeObject): """ Represents a single error returned by the Rankade API. :::{seealso} List of codes & messages returned can be found in the Rankade API documentation. - [Error Responses]( - [Quota and Limits]( - [Get Auth]( - [Post Players Player]( - [Post Matched Match]( ::: :param str message: Error message returned by the server. :param str code: Error code of returned error. """ code: str """Error code in returned error. If first character will tell you what type of error it is: - A: Auth - Q: Quota - M: Match Validation """ message: str """Error message returned by the server."""
[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True) class Errors(ResultList[Error]): """ Represents a list of error objects returned by the Rankade server. Individual error objects returned by the server can be accessed in the same way as a regular list. :param str url: Queried URL that provided the error response. :param str verb: HTTP method used in query (GET, POST, etc) :param int status: HTTP status code returned with the error response. :param MutableMapping[str, Any] data: List of errors returned in json dict. :::{note} I have only ever received a single error. As the spec is ambiguous this class caters for more than one error. ::: """ _content_class: ClassVar[Type[RankadeObject]] = Error url: str = field(default="") """Queried url that provided the error response.""" verb: str = field(default="") """HTTP method used in query (GET, POST, etc)""" status: int = field(default=0) """HTTP status code returned with the error response."""