Source code for rankade.models.NewMatch

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import ClassVar, Optional, Type, Union

from rankade.api.Api import JSON
from rankade.RankadeExceptions import RankadeException

from ..Consts import BOT_ID
from .Base import RankadeObject, ResultList
from .Faction import Faction, Factions
from .Game import Game
from .Player import Player, Players

[docs] @dataclass class NewMatch(RankadeObject): """This class to be used for creating Matches to post to the Rankade API.""" notes: str """General notes.""" name: str = "" """ Match name. :::{note} Use any custom string for the name of the match or 2 special options are available: "default_1" : set game's name as the match name. "default_2" : to set faction/player name vs other faction/player name as the match name. ::: """ game: Optional[Game] = field(default=None) """Game id retrieved from ` GET /games/search`, `GET /games`, or `GET /games/popular` API calls.""" factions: Optional[Factions] = field(default=None) """Factions' data.""" weight: str = field(default="normal") """Match weight, chosen from this list: ultralight, light, midlight, normal, heavy, massive. A heavier game results in larger variations in ree score, a lighter game in smaller ones. We strongly suggest you to set weights in a way that most of the matches have normal weight. See FAQ for details."""
[docs] def add_bot_faction(self, rank: int, points: str, name: str = ""): """ Convenience method to add a bot faction to the match. """ bot_player = Players(data=[Player(id=BOT_ID, ghost=False, displayName=BOT_ID, icon="")]) self.add_faction(players=bot_player, rank=rank, points=points, name=name, bot=True)
[docs] def add_faction(self, players: Union[Players, Player], rank: int, points: str, name: str = "", bot: bool = False): """ Convenience method to add a faction to the match. """ if isinstance(players, Player): players = Players(data=[players]) if len(players) < 1: raise RankadeException(message="A faction must contain at least 1 player") bot_players = [player for player in players if == BOT_ID] if len(bot_players) > 1 or (bot and len(players) > 1): raise RankadeException(message="A bot faction cannot contain any other players") faction = Faction(points=points, rank=rank, players=players, name=name, bot=bot) if self.factions is None: self.factions = Factions(data=[faction]) else: self.factions.append(faction)
[docs] def as_dict(self) -> JSON: """ Returns a custom dictionary for new match server post request. """ if is None or self.factions is None: return [] factions = [f.as_dict() for f in self.factions] match: JSON = { "name":, "game":, "weight": self.weight or, "factions": factions, "notes": self.notes, } return [match]
[docs] @dataclass class NewMatchList(ResultList[NewMatch]): """ Represents the list of NewMatches returned by the Rankade server. Individual NewMatch objects returned by the server can be accessed in the same way as a regular list. """ _content_class: ClassVar[Type[RankadeObject]] = NewMatch """ClassVar to allow the an object in the list to be created from a dict returned from the server."""