Source code for rankade.models.Quota

from dataclasses import dataclass

from .Base import RankadeObject

[docs] @dataclass(kw_only=True, slots=True) class Quota(RankadeObject): """ Rankade Quota usage. All items returned as a percentage of total used. :::{seealso} Quota limits depend on the subscription tier full list can be found on the [Quota and limits]( section of the Rankade API page. """ callsPerYear: str """API calls per year""" callsPerHour: str """API calls per hour""" matchesPerYear: str """Matches per year""" matchesPerDay: str """Matches per day""" matchesPerHour: str """Matches per hour""" rankingCallsPerYear: str """Ranking calls per year""" rankingCallsPerDay: str """Ranking calls per day""" rankingCallsPerHour: str """Ranking calls per hour""" apiCreatedGames: str """New API-created games"""