
Module Contents



Represents a single Game object returned by Rankade


Represents the list of Games returned by the Rankade server. Individual game objects returned by the server can be accessed in the same way as a regular list.


class Game[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.RankadeObject

Represents a single Game object returned by Rankade

id: int = None

Rankade id of the game.

name: str = None

Game name.

weight: str = None

Should be one of ultralight, light, midlight, normal, heavy, massive. A heavier game will result in a larger variation of the ree score.

weightLabel: str = None

Appears to be a nicely formatted version of the weight attribute.

mediumImage: str = None

URL for game art.

thumbnail: str = None

URL for game art thumbnail.

bggIdGame: Optional[int] = 'field(...)'

Board Game Geek id for the game.

class Games(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.ResultList[rankade.models.Game.Game]

Represents the list of Games returned by the Rankade server. Individual game objects returned by the server can be accessed in the same way as a regular list.


_content_class: ClassVar[Type[RankadeObject]] = None

Classvar to allow the an object in the list to be created from a dict returned from the server.