
Module Contents



Retrieves API-recorded matches status. Details


Individual match status item returned upon submit.


lists “accepted & rejected” from NewMAtchResponse are NewMatchReturnList objects.


Response from the server to a posted Match.


class MatchStatus[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.RankadeObject

Retrieves API-recorded matches status. Details


Counts are only for matches entered via API. Matches entered via webapp/app are not included.

added: int = None

Matches added to subset(s), both processed and not yet processed.

processed: int = None

Processed matches.

queued: int = None

Accepted matches, queued for insertion.

total: int = None

Total API-recorded matches.

waiting: int = None

Inserted matches, waiting for their subset(s).

class NewMatchReturn[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.RankadeObject

Individual match status item returned upon submit.

index: int = None

Match index.

id: str = None

Match Id.

name: str = None

Match name.

errors: Optional[Errors] = None

List of errors in match, if appropriate.

class NewMatchReturnList(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.ResultList[rankade.models.NewMatchResponse.NewMatchReturn]

lists “accepted & rejected” from NewMAtchResponse are NewMatchReturnList objects.


_content_class: ClassVar[Type[RankadeObject]] = None

Classvar to allow the an object in the list to be created from a dict returned from the server.

class NewMatchResponse(total: int, acceptedCount: int, rejectedCount: int, rejected: Dict[str, Any], accepted: Dict[str, Any], dryrun: bool = False)[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.RankadeObject

Response from the server to a posted Match.


  • total (int) – Total matches submitted.

  • acceptedCount (int) – Total matches accepted.

  • rejectedCount (int) – Total matches rejected.

  • rejected (Dict[str, Any]) – List of rejected matches with errors.

  • accepted (Dict[str, Any]) – List of accepted matches.

  • dryrun (bool) – Reports True if posting was a test and not acutally submitted.

total: int = None

Total matches submitted.

acceptedCount: int = None

Total matches accepted.

rejectedCount: int = None

Total matches rejected.

rejected: NewMatchReturnList = None

List of rejected matches with errors.

accepted: NewMatchReturnList = None

List of accepted matches.

dryrun: bool = None

Reports True if posting was a test and not acutally submitted.

property has_error: bool

Convenience method returns True if any submitted matches are rejected.