
Module Contents



Individual Ranking of a player in the subset.


Represents the list of Rankings returned by the Rankade server. Individual ranking objects returned by the server can be accessed in the same way as a regular list.


class Ranking[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.RankadeObject

Individual Ranking of a player in the subset.

ree: int = None

Player’s Ree score. (In the subset or after selected match.)

deltaRee: int = None

Player’s change in Ree score. (In the subset or after selected match.)

position: int = None

Player’s position. (In the subset or after selected match.)

deltaPosition: int = None

Players change in position. (In the subset or after selected match.)

belt: int = None

Players current belt.

beltLabel: str = None

Label of players current belt.

title: int = None

Players Rank title.

titleLabel: str = None

Players Rank title.

status: int = None

Players status.

statusLabel: str = None

Players status.

player: Player = None

Player object

class Rankings(initlist=None)[source]

Bases: rankade.models.Base.Page[rankade.models.Ranking.Ranking]

Represents the list of Rankings returned by the Rankade server. Individual ranking objects returned by the server can be accessed in the same way as a regular list.


_content_class: ClassVar[Type[RankadeObject]] = None

Classvar to allow the an object in the list to be created from a dict returned from the server.

match: Match = None

Match after which the rankings were calculated

subset: Subset = None

Subset which the ranking applies to.

property sorted_by_position

Rankings sorted by position.

property sorted_by_delta_position

Rankings sorted by change of position.

property sorted_by_ree

Rankings sorted by Ree score.

property sorted_by_delta_ree

Rankings sorted by change of Ree score.